luni, 29 august 2016

Unde gasesc GoPro Hero ieftina si cu garantie??

O alternativa foarte buna la camera GoPro Hero este camera video sport iSmart PRO, raportat la pret dar si la calitate.

iSmart PRO este o camera video de actiune, ultracompacta si rezistenta la apa, care poate filma Full HD 1080p cu 30 de frame-uri pe secunda.

Inregistrare VideoFull HD 1080p (30 fps), 720p (60 fps)
Wi-Fi802.11 b/g/n
Rezolutie fotografii12MP
Tip Display1,5 inch LCD
Sistem de operareAndroid, iOS
Unghi de vizualizare170°
Rezistenta la apaDA, pana la 30 de metri adancime
Format VideoMOV
Conectivitatemicro HDMI, micro USB, microSD
Memorie externapana la 32GB
Baterie900 mAh
Dimensiuni si Greutate59.3 × 24.3 × 41.1 mm; 155g

sâmbătă, 27 august 2016

10 Amazing Fire Tricks and Science Experiments! Compilation

This video is a compilation of 10 cool Fire Science Experiments and life hacks that you can do at home using everyday household items. Today we are here with some of the coolest science experiments you and your little one can try at home.
All of these tricks can be dangerous so please use extreme caution when performing these experiments. Use safety glasses, gloves, well ventilated areas and adult supervision!!!

10 Amazing Fire Tricks and Cool Science Experimets:

(00:07) How To Keep Fire in Your Hands Thanks To Flammable Sanitizer (Be careful as when you choose wrong type of sanitizer you can burn your hands)

(00:50) How To Light Match with a Rubber. (It is a simple trick with matches that I like a like a lot. However the match has to be slightly adjusted to be flammable like that. It is trick so it will not work with usual matches) 

(01:25) Amazing Fire Science Experiment with Pool Chlorine and Brake Fluid (When you mix these two together you get pretty strong smoke and cool fire as well. Do not try it at home. 

(02:06) How Flammable are Ping Pong Balls. It will disappear in fire in few seconds. 

(02:15) How To Make Balloon not bursting in a candle light. It is simple trick and experiment. All you need to do is to insert water inside balloon. 

(02:40) How To arrange travelling flame when using lighter and candle. It is Cool Experiment for Kids you should definitely try at home. The candle is just simply light through candle smoke. 

(03:03) Cool Science Experiments and Fire Trick with candle in a glass. The vacuum inside is causing the abortion of water in a glass. It is Cool Science Project for schools as well. 

(03:26) How to make a candle swinging at home. This is Cool Trick for Kids. The wax on sides of the candles is dropping due to the hot flame and it causes the swinging of the candle. 

(03:46) How much flammable is WD-40 spray. Be very careful as it is indeed really very flammable. If you want to see 10 science Experiments what WD-40 can be used for just watch this video: 

(04:08) How To Light a Match inside a Glass (really cool experiment with match, glass and burning laser)

Bonus video: (05:06) How To Light a Match with a simple battery. Cool Trick and good video for fair Science Projects 

sâmbătă, 20 august 2016

Investigatorii - Cum se fac fraudele bancare

luni, 8 august 2016

Goji berry (afacerea care mi-a adus rezultate prezentare) 2016

Goji berry (afacerea care mi-a adus rezultate prezentare) 2016 

  Salutare prieteni, va prezint o afacere in care am inevstit cei mai putini bani, si am reusit sa scot rezultate peste asteptari!

In primavara anului 2014, mi-am cumparat 45 de bucati de goji berry(aveau intre 12-18 cm), nu am stiut cum sa le cresc, cum sa le intretin, si cum sa trec cu bine peste iarna ce urma sa vina. Drept urmare in primavara anului 2015 din 45 de bucati am mai ramas cu 4, restul nu au putut trece peste gerul napraznic. 

Toate aceste lucruri nu m-au dat inapoi, ba din contra am cumparat in 5 bucati, ce este drept, de data asta mai mari la 1,3m bucata. Acum de la 1 an au inceput sa apara, toate platnele sunt pe rod :) ! Ceea ce ma face sa ma simt implinit atat sufleteste cat si financiar. Plasa o am pentru protectia pasarelelor care imi fura fructele.

Plantele le-am cumparat de pe online. ATENTIE nu cumpara de la oricine!!Multi te vor insela.

Mini plantatia se afla in Boldur, jud Timis.
Dupa cum ati vazut si in supermarket 1 kg de goji variaza intre 70-80 lei!

Nu este o afacere in care sa dai cu piciorul! La inceput este greu nu vei avea rezultate, dar in timp dupa ce inveti pasii pe care trebuie sa ii urmezi devine totul clar!

Imi puteti adresa intrebari, de unde am cumparat, ce va pot recomanda, daca aveti incredere in cumparaturile online.

Mai jos iti voi arata cateva fotografi cu plantele mele!